Source code for nsdf.model

# --- 
# Filename:
# Description: 
# Author: Subhasis Ray [email: {lastname} dot {firstname} at gmail dot com]
# Maintainer: 
# Created: Fri Apr 25 19:51:42 2014 (+0530)
# Version: 
# Last-Updated: 
#           By: 
#     Update #: 0
# URL: 
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# Compatibility: 

# Commentary: 

# Change log:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
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# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Code:
"""Classes for representing the model.

__author__ = 'Subhasis Ray'
__version__ = '0.1'

[docs]class ModelComponent(object): """Tree node for model tree. Attributes: parent (ModelComponent): parent of this component. children (dict): dict of child components - name is key and ModelComponent is value. attrs (dict): attributes of the component. These become HDF5 attributes when it is written to file. hdfgroup (hdf5 Group): the group that this component corresponds to in NSDF file. """ def __init__(self, name, uid=None, parent=None, attrs=None, hdfgroup=None): self.uid = name if uid is None else uid = name self.parent = parent self.children = {} # store the order in which children were added # self._birth_order = {} self.attrs = attrs if attrs is not None else {} self.hdfgroup = hdfgroup self._id_path_dict = None if parent is not None: parent.children[name] = self
[docs] def add_child(self, child): """Add a child component under this model component. Args: child (ModelComponent): child component to add to this component Returns: None Raises: TypeError """ if not isinstance(child, ModelComponent): raise TypeError('require a ModelComponent instance.') self.children[] = child child.parent = self
[docs] def add_children(self, children): """Add a list of children to current component. Args: children (list): list of children to be added. Returns: None Raises: TypeError """ for child in children: if not isinstance(child, ModelComponent): raise TypeError('require a ModelComponent instance.') self.children[] = child child.parent = self
[docs] def get_node(self, path): """Get node at `path` relative to this node. Args: path (str): path obtained by concatenating component names with `/` as separator. Returns: ModelComponent at the specified path Raises: KeyError if there is no element at the specified path. """ node = self for item in path.split('/'): name = item.strip() if name == '': continue node = node.children[name]
[docs] def visit(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """Visit the subtree starting with `node` recursively, applying function `fn` to each node. Args: node (ModelComponent): node to start with. fn(node, *args, **kwargs): a function to apply on each node. Returns: None """ function(self, *args, **kwargs) for child in self.children.values(): child.visit(function, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def print_tree(self, indent=''): """Recursively print subtree rooted at this component. Args: indent (str): indentation. Returns: None """ print '{}{}({})'.format(indent,, self.uid) for child in self.children.values(): child.print_tree(indent + ' ')
[docs] def check_uid(self, uid_dict): """Check that uid are indeed unique. Args: uid_dict (dict): an empty dict for storing the uids mapping to all components that have the same uid. Note: If any uid is not set, this function as a side effect creates the uids in the form parentuid/name - similar to unix file paths. """ if self.uid is None: if self.parent is None: self.uid = else: self.uid = '{}/{}'.format(self.parent.uid, try: clashing = uid_dict[self.uid] print 'Components with uid clashing with {}: \n'.format( print '\n'.join([ for comp in clashing]) clashing.append(self) except KeyError: uid_dict[self.uid] = [self] for child in self.children.values(): child.check_uid(uid_dict)
[docs] def path(self): """Path of this component""" pth = node = self.parent while node is not None: pth = + '/' + pth node = node.parent return '/' + pth
[docs] def update_id_path_dict(self): """Update the id->path mapping. This must be called before using get_id_path_dict whenever the model tree is been modified .. seealso:: get_id_path_dict """ if self._id_path_dict is None: self._id_path_dict = {} def update_dict(node, dictobj): """Insert the (uid, path) of `node` into `dictobj`.""" dictobj[node.uid] = node.path self.visit(update_dict, self._id_path_dict)
[docs] def get_id_path_dict(self): """Return a dictionary mapping the unique id of the model components to their path in modeltree. .. seealso:: update_id_path_dict """ if (self._id_path_dict is None) or (len(self._id_path_dict) == 0): self.update_id_path_dict() return self._id_path_dict
[docs]def common_prefix(paths, sep='/'): """Find the common prefix of paths. Note: does not check for malformed paths right now. """ tokens_list = [path.split(sep) for path in paths] endmatch = False common = '' iii = 0 while not endmatch: name = '' try: tmp = [tokens[iii] for tokens in tokens_list] name = tmp[0] for jjj in range(1, len(tmp)): if tmp[jjj] != tmp[0]: endmatch = True break iii += 1 except IndexError: endmatch = True if name and (not endmatch): common = common + sep + name return common # # ends here